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Reimagining Oshawa’s Bond Street bus terminal

DCN-JOC News Services
Reimagining Oshawa’s Bond Street bus terminal
CITY OF OSHAWA — The City of Oshawa is looking for feedback on how to reimagine a former bus terminal space at 47 Bond St. W. located at the southeast corner of Bond St. W. and Centre St. N.

OSHAWA, ONT. — The is looking for feedback on how to reimagine the space at 47 Bond St. W. located at the southeast corner of Bond St. W. and Centre St. N.

The space was formerly known as the downtown bus terminal and the goal is to transform the fully serviced space and land into a development that will contribute to downtown Oshawa, states the city.


The full site includes a terminal, bus platform area and parking garage.
CITY OF OSHAWA — The full site includes a terminal, bus platform area and parking garage.


The site includes the following areas:

  • The terminal: a bus terminal featuring a public hall, washrooms, a former ticketing office and a second-floor lounge;
  • The bus platform area, which is a gound floor space located directly below the two levels of parking within the garage; and
  • The garage: a three-level parking garage with 396 parking spaces located just south of the bus platform on the ground floor. It also features an additional two levels of parking directly above the ground floor parking area and the bus platform.

Proposals will be accepted through the until 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27.


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