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Marie Campagna named new chairperson of the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

DCN-JOC News Services
Marie Campagna named new chairperson of the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

OTTAWA — The federal government has announced the selection of Marie Campagna as chair of Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) board of directors.

A member of the board since 2017, Campagna has most recently served in the role of interim chair since May 2024.

She has over 40 years experience in the public and private sectors, a release states, and her career has been rooted in finance and operational support, spanning many sectors including health care, automotive, logistics and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Campagna is also the former chief financial officer and vice-president at the Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare.

WDBA is a Crown corporation that is mandated with the delivery and oversight of The Gordie Howe International Bridge, which is planned to open in fall 2025. The WDBA is led by the CEO Charl van Niekerk.

The $6.4 billion Gordie Howe International Bridge project between Windsor, Ont. and Detroit, Mich. is being delivered through a public-private partnership. The WDBA is responsible for overseeing and managing the construction, delivery and operation of the new crossing.

Once complete the bridge will be the longest cable stay bridge in North America and the largest Canadian Port of Entry along the Canada-United States border.


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