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Conestoga College receives funding for two industry-related research projects

DCN-JOC News Services
Conestoga College receives funding for two industry-related research projects

KITCHENER, ONT. — Two Conestoga projects are on the receiving end of $568,000 in funding from the provincial government’s Ontario Research Fund (ORF).

Conestoga received grants for CONSTRUCT: Centre for Ontario’s Network of Skilled Trade Researchers, Unions, Contractors, and Tradespeople ($333,500); and robotic welding and metallurgical analysis ($234,408 from the ORF – College Fund Ontario First Award).

is the latest initiative of the Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness & Performance () at Conestoga. According to a release, it is focused on sustaining the skilled trades workforce by reducing workplace injuries and improving job accessibility for underrepresented groups. The lead researcher is Dr. Amin Yazdani, executive director of CISWP.

The second project will establish additional capacity in robotic welding and metallurgical analysis, focusing on additive manufacturing, large-scale 3D printing, CAD-CAM, non-destructive evaluation, metallurgy and Industry 4.0.

This research is being lead by the . Established in 2020, the Conestoga centre is a dedicated hub for applied research, technical services and training with a focus on advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity and advanced recycling technologies, the release continues.

ORF research projects are selected competitive peer-review process. The funding helps institutions cover the costs of research operations and facilities, including building, renovating and equipping research facilities with equipment and laboratories.

The funds are part of $92 million for more than  by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities in late 2024. 


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